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Understanding Your Bill
Your electric bill is made up of various charges that include items like the cost of power generation, infrastructure, the amount of energy you use and more. We want to give you the tools you need to understand the charges that make up your Coast Electric bill. Besides using the tools on this page, we encourage you to log on to your account here to get details about your electric use. If you need more information, we are always here for you. Our team of member service representatives and our energy experts can help you understand your bill, your energy use patterns and can tell you about ways you can reduce your use and save!
Residential Rate
This information applies to members on our regular residential rate. If you are interested in saving with our Time of Use rate, you can learn more here.
The number of days billed in the current billing cycle.
Your demand set for the current billing cycle. Your demand is the highest number of kilowatts used in any give 15-minute interval during the current billing cycle.
The amount of kilowatt hours consumed during the current billing cycle.
Amount billed and amount payed during the previous billing cycle. If your previous bill was not paid, this will show the amount forwarded to the current billing cycle.
Charges making up the current billing cycle's bill
The amount of your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar to be contributed to our Operation Round Up program.
Notice of disconnection if current bill is not paid.
This graph breaks down your kilowatt hour use per month.
This chart compares your current billing cycle, previous billing cycle and the previous year.
This graph shows your kilowatt hour use per day from the current billing cycle
This graph shows the high and low temperatures from the current billing cycle to compare to your daily kilowatt hour use
Important reminders
Your total account balance and bill due date.
Scan this barcode at any 24/7 kiosk located at our offices to access your account and pay your bill.
If mailing in payment, send your payment in the enclosed envelope to this address.. To avoid late fees, allow plenty of time for your payment to arrive and be processed.
How to Calculate Your Bill

Residential TOU Rate
This information applies to members who are taking advantage of our TOU rate. TOU allows members to save for using energy during off-peak hours.
The number of days billed in the current billing cycle.
Your demand set for the current billing cycle. Your demand is the highest number of kilowatts used in any give 15-minute interval during the current billing cycle.
The amount of off-peak and on-peak kilowatt hours consumed during the current billing cycle
Amount billed and amount payed during the previous billing cycle. If your previous bill was not paid, this will show the amount forwarded to the current billing cycle.
Charges making up the current billing cycle's bill
The amount of your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar to be contributed to our Operation Round Up program.
Notice of disconnection if current bill is not paid.
This graph breaks down your kilowatt hour use per month.
This chart compares your current billing cycle, previous billing cycle and the previous year.
This graph shows your kilowatt hour use per day from the current billing cycle
This graph shows the high and low temperatures from the current billing cycle to compare to your daily kilowatt hour use
Important reminders
Your total account balance and bill due date.
Scan this barcode at any 24/7 kiosk located at our offices to access your account and pay your bill.
If mailing in payment, send your payment in the enclosed envelope to this address. To avoid late fees, allow plenty of time for your payment to arrive and be processed.
How to Calculate Your Bill