My Community
Apply for a Sponsorship
Use the form below to submit your sponsorship requests. Please allow two to three weeks after you submit your request for processing.
Please note that this request form is for corporate sponsorship for events and activities such as: youth and school sports, school clubs, fundraising events for charitable organizations, etc. Sponsorship requests of up to but not exceeding $1,000 will be considered.
If you are interested in an Operation Round Up grant and would like to learn more about eligibility, qualifying programs and services, and how to apply visit the Operation Round Up page for details.
If you have questions, please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (228) 363-7164

Sponsorship and Donation Request Form
Please fill out this online form and attach necessary documents. When you are finished, click the "Submit" button. Completed forms can also be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to:
Coast Electric
Attn: Ana Brett
PO Box 2430
Bay St. Louis, MS 39521
Contribution requests must be submitted in writing on official letterhead of requesting organization, accompanied by Coast Electric Sponsorship and Donation Request Form. Contribution must benefit members of the area served by Coast Electric. Area is defined as Hancock, Harrison and Pearl River counties. For consideration, Coast Electric Sponsorship and Donation Request forms must be received at least 30 days prior to date needed. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Coast Electric reserves the right to approve requests at its discretion.
This institution is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
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