My Business
Business Service
Part of Coast Electric's mission is to improve the economy and quality of life in the communities we serve. We understand what a great responsibility it is to power the businesses that serve our communities and are happy to help you get started.
Transfer, Change Name, or Disconnect Service
To transfer or disconnect your service, please contact any Coast Electric office or call 877-769-2372.
To transfer your service or change the name on your account, please fill out the correct name change or transfer form below:

Building or Modifying a Building?

All wiring shall conform to the requirements of the National Electric Code and to state, municipal and county inspection requirements. Where permits, inspection and registrations are required by law, the applicant must provide Coast Electric with the documents showing these items have been applied for, accepted and inspected. Please check with local city and county building officials and inspectors before making your request for electric service.
Hancock County | |
Hancock County Tax Collector | 228-467-4425 |
City of Bay St. Louis | 228-469-0531 |
City of Waveland | 228-466-2549 |
Hancock County Zoning Commission | 228-467-4157 |
Harrison County | |
Harrison County Tax Assessor | 228-865-4044 |
Harrison County Code Administration | 228-832-1622 |
City of Gulfport | 228-868-5715 |
City of Long Beach | 228-863-1554 |
City of Biloxi | 228-435-6270 |
City of D’Iberville | 228-392-9278 |
Pearl River County | |
Pearl River County Tax Assessor | 601-403-2224 |
Switchboard | 601-403-2300 |
Planning Commission | 601-403-2205 |
City of Picayune | 601-798-9770 |
Coast Electric service, engineering or staking personnel will determine the location for the point of service and metering equipment. We will work with you and your contractor during the site selection; however, we assume no responsibility to change the location of the service entrance should it be improperly installed or if our site location is not utilized.
To avoid delays, please meet with our representatives before installing your equipment. The service entrance/meter pan or house power panel must be installed on exterior walls and should be placed in locations that are easily accessible to our employees for meter maintenance, reading, inspecting and removal.
Coast Electric is happy to work with members on plant design, lot layout and other specifications for new commercial and industrial accounts.
Our energy management department offers rebate incentives for the installation of energy efficient electric heat pumps and other equipment.
Please contact us for information and advice about your account.
Steven Broussard
Vice President of Engineering
Mark Wallace
Director of Energy Management
When you need electricity during building construction, Coast Electric will connect temporary, single-phase service. The temporary power pole, wiring and equipment should be supplied by the member and installed by your contractor, builder or electrician. We ask that temporary outlets be placed at lot lines or lot corners, where existing transformers or pedestals are located.
A membership fee and service charge are required on all temporary service accounts. These fees are outlined in our list of fees and deposits.
Coast Electric will connect only one set of service drop conductors per building except as permitted by the National Electrical Code. All meters are supplied and installed by Coast Electric and remain the property of the association.
Meter Tampering and Seals
Mississippi code prohibits the tampering and unauthorized breaking of Coast Electric meter seals. The offense is a misdemeanor and is subject to penalty, fines and prosecution.
Fees and Charges
Coast Electric has established fees and charges based on the reasonable and customary standard for our industry and local area.
A membership fee, service charge and deposit are required on new residential accounts. These fees are outlined in our list of fees and deposits.
Additional fees or charges may be required when line construction is needed to bring electricity to your property. These charges are determined by our engineering department based on factors such as distance from existing lines, number of poles and other line equipment to be installed.
If you are interested in underground service, please contact us at 877-769-2372. In areas where overhead services are normally installed, members may pay additional fees.
Construction charges are also applicable when existing residential overhead service is changed to underground service.
To transfer or disconnect your service, please contact any Coast Electric office or call 877-769-2372.
To transfer your service or change the name on your account, please fill out the correct name change or transfer form here.
More questions? Contact our Commercial Energy Management expert Phillippe Michel.