My Co-Op
Vegetation Management
Coast Electric maintains approximately 13,000 acres of rights-of-way to provide dependable electric service to our member-owners. Our climate in south Mississippi means that vegetation in our rights-of-way grows quickly. Unfortunately, fast growing vegetation can create challenges for Coast Electric in the areas of safety, reliability and cost.
Coast Electric's vegetation management plan has been established to:
- Help ensure the safety of our member-owners and employees.
- Protect the public from harm and protect electric facilities from damage.
- Maintain a continuous flow of electricity.
Vegetation growing around electric facilities delays the amount of time needed for utility personnel to perform required maintenance and restore service following power outages. Please contact us at 877-769-2372 and ask for our right-of-way department before planting trees or shrubs near electric facilities.

2025 Vegetation Management Projects
Vidalia Substation Area
Pigott Substation Area
Watts Substation Area
Canal Substation Area
Saucier Substation Area
Total Miles Maintained in 2025: 1,296
Woolmarket Substation Area
Derby Substation Area
Rocky Hill Substation Area
Dedeaux Substation Area
O'Neal Substation Area
Vegetation Management Practices
When managing distribution rights-of-way, no single approach can be taken. The objective of this plan is to provide basic information regarding Coast Electric's vegetation management practices.
Coast Electric's vegetation management practices include:
- Removing trees and underbrush located beneath overhead distribution lines.
- Removing vegetation that interferes with the routine maintenance of overhead and underground facilities.
- Removing dead or hazardous trees that could fall and damage Coast Electric facilities.
- Pruning trees growing close to overhead conductors.
- Applying herbicides at low-volume rates.