My Community
Operation Round Up
You and Your Co-op, Doing Great Things Together
With Operation Round Up, Coast Electric members make an impact in our local community by rounding their bills up to the next dollar amount each month. For an average contribution of just $11.88 a year, members fund worthwhile non-profit organizations in Harrison, Hancock and Pearl River counties. Your spare change can feed the hungry, give shelter to the needy, bring programs to local children, help senior citizens and more!
Operation Round Up also funds Coast Electric’s Share Your Blessings program that helps those in need pay their monthly power bills. Learn more about how Share Your Blessings is helping your friends and neighbors.
About Operation Round Up
Cooperatives are governed by a set of principles, including the Seventh Cooperative Principle, “Concern for Community.” From children’s programs and non-profit organizations to environmental initiatives and volunteer organizations, Coast Electric has a long history of community support. Operation Round Up, which has been adopted by hundreds of electric cooperatives across the country, allows Coast Electric the opportunity to extend our community commitment and provide additional funding with the help of our members. With administrative support from our partners at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Operation Round allows Coast Electric and its members to work together to positively impact the quality of life in our communities.

Frequently Asked Questions
Grant applications are accepted twice a year during the months of February and August, and are reviewed and rewarded by the Community Trust Committee in May and November.
Coast Electric's Board of Directors select a nine-member Community Trust Committee. Each board member nominates one trust committee member. Trust committee members must be members of Coast Electric and serve three, one-year terms. They are not able to serve more than three consecutive terms.
The trust fund is set up to represent the members of Coast Electric, and funds are collected through Operation Round Up. The mission of the trust is to award money contributed by Coast Electric members through Operation Round Up to worthwhile, charitable and educational causes that improve the quality of life in our community. Member contributions to the trust are administered by the Gulf Coast Community Foundation.
Based on the Community Trust guidelines, nonprofit, community, volunteer, educational or civic organizations that generally qualify as exempt under 501(c)(3) may apply for grants. Grant applications are available online only in February and August. We cannot accept any applications mailed in or dropped off at any Coast Electric or Gulf Coast Community Foundation location.
If you have questions about the application process contact the Gulf Coast Community Foundation at (228) 897-4841.
Although there are many worthy charitable and educational projects and community needs in our local area, the limited availability of funds requires us to establish funding priority categories. Funds will be used for the greater good of our communities for organizations or charities who align with Coast Electric’s mission, culture and values.
Funding priorities include but are not limited to projects that focus on the following:
Community Service:
- Programs, projects and organizations that are important components of a community’s overall quality of life.
- Programs and projects that enhance the cultural environment of communities in our local area.
Economic Development:
- Programs and projects designed to promote greater economic stability by helping to expand and diversify local economies and promote tourism.
- Community leadership programs designed to improve problem solving skills and empower people to become self-reliant in identifying solutions to local economic and social problems.
Education and Youth:
- Schools served by Coast Electric may apply for grants for programs/projects that benefit students/teachers.
- Programs that are designed to combat critical social problems affecting youth.
- Programs and projects that promote wellness and encourage youth participation in athletics and physical fitness activities.
- Programs and projects that promote community recycling and natural resource preservation.
- Community-based environmental quality education programs.
Energy Assistance:
Share Your Blessings – an energy assistance program established through Coast Electric to help Coast Electric members in need.
Contributions will only be made to support bona fide charitable, nonprofit organizations and activities that align with Coast Electric's culture and values.
Contributions generally will not be made for:
- Lobbying or political issues or campaigns
- Fund-raising dinners, raffles and other events
- Individuals
- Capital fund campaigns
- National fund drives
- Advertising
- Internal payroll expenses of an organization
- Operating expenses
Organizations that receive grants are required to share information and results with Coast Electric. We will share Operation Round Up success stories on this site, on our social media accounts, in Today in Mississippi magazine, in our annual report and at our Annual Meeting.
Yes. Share Your Blessings continues to be part of Coast Electric's community outreach programs, with 25% of Operation Round Up contributions funding the Share Your Blessings program. United Way of South Mississippi manages the funds while Catholic Charities of South Mississippi administers the funds to members in need. Learn more here.
We hope that you see the benefits of Operation Round Up for our communities and will want the program to have as much positive impact as possible. However, if you do not feel this program is to your benefit, we have made opting out simple. Contact a Coast Electric member service representative at 877-769-2372 or complete the opt-out form.
Members who opt out can always decide to contribute again later. New members will be automatically enrolled but will have the opportunity to decline participation.
Advisory Committee/Coast Electric Community Trust Committee
One benefit of cooperative membership is that leadership roles are filled by our members. Besides our Board of Directors, we have another committee of Coast Electric members that serve as our eyes and ears in the community. Coast Electric’s advisory committee members serve three consecutive one-year terms and spend time learning about our business and giving us new perspectives on our programs and services.
Advisory committee members also serve as the advisory committee for Coast Electric’s Community Trust. When local charitable organizations apply for grants funded by our Operation Round Up program, the Gulf Coast Community Foundation reviews grants to ensure they are eligible for funding and passes along applications that meet funding requirements to members of the Advisory Committee/Community Trust Committee for review. These men and women will work to determine which grants will be funded to making lasting, positive impacts in our local communities.
Hancock County Advisory/Community Trust Committee Members
Blake Travis
Ronnie Breland
Duane Wilson
Harrison County Advisory/Community Trust Committee Members
Fred Hoff
Valerie Underwood
Padrick Dennis
Pearl River County Advisory/Community Trust Committee Members
Candace Harper
Caleb Smith
Cody Cuevas