My Community
Youth and Education
Educating members and showing concern for the communities we serve are principles that guide operations at Coast Electric. Whether co-op employees are conducting interactive demonstrations at local schools, sponsoring youth programs or helping educators, youth initiatives are important to our communities and to Coast Electric.
The cost of a college education continues to rise. Coast Electric is committed to playing a role in the communities in which we work and live by offering college scholarships for local high school students to help offset these costs. Over the years, many students have applied for and have been awarded hundreds of dollars of scholarship money from Coast Electric.
The scholarships are administered through Pearl River Community College and the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park Campus. Please contact the schools’ financial aid offices for more information on how to apply.

Cooperative Youth Leaders
Coast Electric sponsors high school juniors from Hancock, Harrison and Pearl River counties for all-expense-paid leadership trips to Jackson and Washington, D.C. The Cooperative Youth Leaders program is sponsored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, which brings more than 1,700 high school juniors from across the nation to Washington, D.C., each summer where they learn about cooperatives and rural electrification from a national perspective. They also visit monuments and memorials and enjoy other wonderful sightseeing experiences.
School counselors nominate two students from their schools to apply for the program. Nominees participate in a day of team building and interviews where judges select Youth Leadership representatives. For more information about the Cooperative Youth Leaders program, contact your school counselor.
Classroom Presentations
Coast Electric employees are available for classroom presentations on a variety of topics, some of which include safety and energy efficiency. Let us know what your needs are and we can tailor a presentation for your students.
Email [email protected] or fill out this form to request a speaker/presentation.
Each year, Coast Electric employees volunteer at the Pathways2Possibilites career fair, an interactive, hands-on career expo for 8th graders in public, private and home schools, as well as at-risk youth. Volunteers spend time educating students about career opportunities in the electric industry.