And the survey says…

A message from Coast Electric President and CEO Ron Barnes

Coast Electric members ranked their co-op on a five-point scale, with one being the least satisfied and five being the most satisfied, in various areas of service.

Coast Electric is a cooperative owned and led by the people we serve. In addition to our regular quality monitoring surveys, we conduct a satisfaction survey every December to help us understand how we are best serving our members and how we can make improvements. These results help us determine our next steps as we work to fulfill our mission of providing reliable, affordable electricity and improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.

In 2019, members gave us the highest satisfaction numbers we have ever achieved, once again putting your cooperative in the top 10 percent of co-ops nationally. We are proud of these numbers, but we know we can always make improvements. There are 83,000 meters in Coast Electric’s territory and each meter represents a unique need. Fulfilling these needs is a big task but Coast Electric employees are committed to doing just that. We look forward to working with you to reach new heights in the decade to come.

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