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Share Your Blessings
We all need a little help from our neighbors from time to time, and high bills can put a strain on families’ financial plans. To help our friends in need, Coast Electric offers a secure way to assist those in our community. Share Your Blessings is an energy assistance program that allows Coast Electric members to help fellow members in need of assistance paying their power bill.
Where does the money come from?
Through our Operation Round Up program, the monthly bills of participating members are rounded up to the nearest dollar and the amount collected is put into the Coast Electric Community Trust. Twenty-five percent of annual Operation Round Up collections are donated to Share Your Blessings.
Where does the money go?
The Share Your Blessings funds collected through Operation Round Up are distributed to the United Way of South Mississippi. United Way sends the funds to Catholic Charities to determine which members receive assistance. The funds are distributed based on need, not religious affiliation.
Do I qualify for assistance?
Members in need of energy assistance should contact Catholic Charities at 855-847-0555 to see if they qualify. All recipients are screened to ensure there is a verified need and 100 percent of Share Your Blessings funds go to help Coast Electric members.
Are there other ways I can help?
In addition to monthly Operation Round Up collections, members can make a special donation to the fund by calling 877-769-2372 or visiting us at any office.