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Energy Audits
If you would like more information about how you can save in your home, doing an online energy audit is a great way to start. Our interactive tools allow you to add information about your home to determine what you can do to reduce your energy use. Our online HomeEnergyCalculator shows you scenarios that will help you determine how you can save.
For more information about savings, the Home Energy Savings Guide is a great resource.
If you still have questions after you’ve completed the online energy audit, you can contact our energy efficiency experts for help.
On-site energy audits are completed by one of Coast Electric’s energy management representatives. The representative will inspect your home, ask questions about electric use patterns and recommend improvements designed to lower your electric bills. Representatives do not perform any technical analysis on electrical systems or HVAC systems that include gauges or metering of any kind. Audits are for Coast Electric members only and are free of charge.