Comfort Advantage
Energy Efficient Construction
Comfort Advantage is a recognized standard for energy-efficient construction and quality products for the home and business. The benefits of Comfort Advantage are promoted by electric cooperatives that provide electric service to more than 400,000 Mississippi homes and businesses.
Comfort Advantage programs and services offer our members knowledge, cash incentives and peace of mind.
The Comfort Advantage energy efficient home program is focused around the use of energy-efficient heat pumps. There are several types of heat pumps to choose from. Speak with your professional heating and air dealer about the type to serve you best. Learn about types of heat pumps.
Comfort Advantage is designed to help our members minimize their energy consumption. Doing so aids in Coast Electric’s efforts to minimize our peak demand — the less we pay, the less our members pay.

For Residential
For New & Existing Homes
Home Energy Handbook
Comfort Advantage Plus
101 Ways to Save Energy
For inquiries about your home:
Scott White
General Program Inquiries
Tyler Green
Hancock & Pearl River Counties
Josh Brown
Harrison County
For Businesses
Comfort Advantage Forms
Comfort Advantage Incentives
Heat Pump Reporting Form
For Business Inquiries:
Phillippe Michel
Mark Wallace
Director of Energy Management