My Co-Op

Your Annual Meeting

Cooperatives like Coast Electric are led by consumers like you. Having fellow community members serve as co-op leaders means you have people who understand the needs of our community working on your behalf.

Each November, Coast Electric hosts its Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Night so that members can participate in the election process, learn more about their cooperative and get to know co-ops leadership team members.

We understand that life is busy and that members aren't always able to join us at the meeting. Those who are unable to attend in person are able to register for the meeting by proxy beginning in July each year. Members attending the meeting and those with valid, registered proxies are entered to win up to $1,000 in electricity credits.

By attending or registering for our Annual Meeting, you are taking an active role in your cooperative. You have a vote and a voice in how your co-op does business.

At Coast Electric, we don't have shareholders, we have members. As a member, you get to vote on the men and women who represent you on Coast Electric's board of directors. That vote takes place every year at our Annual Meeting. Those who aren't able to attend the meeting can register via proxy online, by mail or in any of our offices. Registering allows you to participate, even if you aren't present at the meeting. 

Attending or registering also gives you the opportunity to win electricity credits of up to $1,000! 

Registering your proxy allows you to assign someone who will be at the meeting to vote on your behalf. You can choose another member to vote for you or you can assign the board of directors to vote on your behalf. 

Coast Electric's bylaws outline our nominating, voting and other Annual Meeting processes. You can download a copy of our bylaws here

At Coast Electric’s Annual Meeting on Nov. 7, three members were elected as directors for Position One and received the following votes:

James Baldree, Hancock County – 9,796
Richard Dossett, Pearl River County – 9,796
Charles  Lopez,  Harrison County – 9,796

Congratulations to our members who won credits on their electric bills or other prizes by either attending our Annual Meeting or registering online, in one of our offices or by mail.

$100 Bill Credit Winners:

James Pulse
Jilean Denee
Michael Dickinson
Gertha Lee
Roger Mason
Riley Ann Norman
Susan Simmons
Gwendolyn Smith
Brianna West
Marilyn Herndon
Nell Johnson
Ronald Thompson
Valerie Hendry
Twyla Sue Jordan
Burgetown Church

$50 Home Depot Gift Cards:
Cammie Peterson
Ida Brown

Attendance Grand Prize Winners:

$250 Coast Electric Bill Credit – Fred Knight 
$500 Coast Electric Bill Credit – Daniel Beavers
$1,000 Coast Electric Bill Credit – Barbara Zitzmann

Proxy Registration Grand Prize Winners:

$250 Coast Electric Bill Credit – Julie Smith                 
$500 Coast Electric Bill Credit – Leonard Schwab Jr. 
$1,000 Coast Electric Bill Credit – Mary Ann Gambino

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